Monday, October 26, 2009

Session 2: My favorite picture

Hello !

I'm here again, this time to talk about my favorite picture.
The truth is that I have so many favorite pictures, and I had to make a selection to choose this. I think I picked it because I have much to say about it ...
This picture was taken for myself, in my house in Chiloé.
It shows to me and my little brother, who came to change all my life (in 2003).
Actually I don't remember when it was taken, all I remember is that this photo makes me remind all the good moments with my little brother and how he has made me change in all aspects of my life.
When I was twelve years, my mother said me that she wanted to married again and that we should move to another city in Chiloé (at that time my two sisters, my mother and me we lived in Temuco).
I remember very well when I said her: "I really don't want to do that", but she should have told me something very convincing to me agreed.
Then she married and went to live in Chiloé. Time passed, and I have not assimilated the idea of leaving my school and friends behind. When she told me: "Pame, I'm pregnant" ... I do not know what to say.
The day of birth, I went to the hospital because I wanted to see my mother. But I never thought that day would be one of the happiest of my life. When I saw him, all the bad things in which I had thinked, simply disappeared.
The most amazing thing is that he was born the day of my saint!.
Since then, I can’t get it out of my thoughts. All I want in my life has to do with him. I do not know what would happen to me, if he had not come into my life.
Now, I'm away from his (He's in Chiloé). But not there is one day of my life where I do not think in my little brother.
I look forward to the day I hug him back. And to say how much I love him.
After everything I wrote, perhaps it is more than enough to say why I like this picture. But I think I like because it shows the person I most miss in the world.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Session 1: My favorite technological object.

Hello :)

I'm new in this so I will try to do it the best I can.
Today I'm talking about my favorite object of technology , and it is ...

Definitely I just can't live without it!
I got it this year (2009) in April, the month of my birthday. I needed it for a long time now, but I never took the time to buy a new of them. My old cell was a disaster, I hated it !

I use it for a lot of things daily. The most important obviously to call, often I receive calls from my mother who lives in Castro (in southern Chile). Also to send and receive messages, I love when I see my cell and I have a message. Not to mention that with it I do many more activities, such as play music, take pictures and see my e-mail.
I admit that I also use as a clock, in fact I use it every day as an alarm clock.

I really adore my cellphone, first because I can take it anywhere I want, and because it helps me feel close to people I love.

I believe my life without my cell would not be the same. Maybe I can't will talk so often with my family, and a lot of my friends can't will find me so quick to do something fun (what a shame). I could not send messages to the people I love whenever I want to do. Maybe I can live without it, but I don't want to!