Friday, October 16, 2009

Session 1: My favorite technological object.

Hello :)

I'm new in this so I will try to do it the best I can.
Today I'm talking about my favorite object of technology , and it is ...

Definitely I just can't live without it!
I got it this year (2009) in April, the month of my birthday. I needed it for a long time now, but I never took the time to buy a new of them. My old cell was a disaster, I hated it !

I use it for a lot of things daily. The most important obviously to call, often I receive calls from my mother who lives in Castro (in southern Chile). Also to send and receive messages, I love when I see my cell and I have a message. Not to mention that with it I do many more activities, such as play music, take pictures and see my e-mail.
I admit that I also use as a clock, in fact I use it every day as an alarm clock.

I really adore my cellphone, first because I can take it anywhere I want, and because it helps me feel close to people I love.

I believe my life without my cell would not be the same. Maybe I can't will talk so often with my family, and a lot of my friends can't will find me so quick to do something fun (what a shame). I could not send messages to the people I love whenever I want to do. Maybe I can live without it, but I don't want to!


  1. pame! you are alright, the cellphone is a very important object for the people today, it's like a human body part, thanks you for your help to activate my blog


  2. Hi Pame!!! so long!
    I also think that today the celular is very important because is currently the only way to contact someone anywhere and anytime...In especially if it's for a party!!
    see you soon!

  3. Hi pammeelin! I Think that your cellphone is really cute jaja we have similar taste cause' we have the same one, you know!

    ok see you at monday! kisses!

  4. hi pame...fine, and you? ☺
    i thssssink...sorry my keyboard is crazy...
    i think cellphone is very important today...oooohh yeah
    but i don't have one :(
    do you want to buy a cellphone to me?

    see you tomorrow

  5. hi!!!!!!
    my favourite technology artefact is also my cellphone..
    it's amazing don't you think?
    ok, see you at class!

  6. Hi =) love's Pame jaja
    My favourite piece of technology is the cellphone too! Unfortunately last week someone stole my cellphone and I can't comunicate with anyone =(
    see you!

  7. *-* we all love ours cellphones/mobile phones
    its a great tool for all of us
