Monday, November 16, 2009

Final Session

Hi, this is my last post ... Today I want to tell what is my ideal job.

I've always wanted to work on many things. I love the changes and surprises. Maybe that's why I often can't decide what I do in my life.
I study veterinary medicine, by accident. It's something I never imagined doing. Never thought I could study this career. But here I am, discovering every day something that was not in my plans. But I'm happy to do so.
That's why now, at this stage of my life I feel that my ideal job would be to work on wildlife. Mainly because it is an area that is constantly changing, in which I never get bored.

Before I had a very reduced perspective in relation to veterinary medicine (perhaps like all people), but now that I know more aspects in relation to the career, I could lean on the work with wild animals.

As I said before, I love surprises and more adventures! ... Maybe I can take a jeep safari and explore the savannah !

Was a pleasure to share with you my experiences.
Goodbye =)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Session 3: The website that I most enjoy !

Hello, in this time I'm talking about the website that I most enjoy it.
Actually I think my favorite website is the gmail page.
I found this page, because a old boyfriend had a mail, such as and he told me that it was better than hotmail. And soon I realized he was right.
So, more than four years ago I use gmail as my email server.
I use gmail daily normally check my mail every day, sometimes even more than I check it once a day.
Always I have to check it, because often I receive notifications of u-cursos or facebook. And I want to be informed of what's happening.
I really like gmail, because as I said always keeps me informed of what's happening around me, and besides, I used to know how are my friends.
In fact also has a gmail chat. that despite not being like msn messenger is very useful when the computer you're using does not have this application.
And this is why is my favorite website.